The Saber INS module from Atom Robotics is the first choice of service robotics top customer
Saber INS module make the AGV roboticsapplication scenarios realizable
Saber INS module promote the development of the logistics distribution industry
Atom Robotics is the excellent solution of intelligent automobile INS system
INS system with high performance and low-cost sensor is demanded strongly inindustry market.
Atom Robotics(北京原子机器人科技有限公司)已经获得丰厚资本千万级Pre-A轮融资, 本次融资主要...
11月2日,“2018盛景全球创新大奖暨产业互联网创新论坛在北京盛大开幕。 北京原子机器人凭借自主研发的高精度传感器...