Vacuu Cleaner Robot Purposed-Built IMU Module

Saber™ A2 is the company's latest bespoke inertial navigation module for Vacuum Sweeper Robot.
Incorporating high-precision sensors and high-performance MCU, combined with Atom Robotic's advanced Boson™ engine algorithm, the Saber™ A2 generates high-precision rotation angle and angular velocity data.
With a start-up time of less than 1 second, the Saber™ A2 is perfect single-axis speed measurement solution for domestic robot navigation applications.

Cumulative error

Saber™ A2 uses adaptive Kalman filter to reduce sensor dift errors (i.e. nonlinearity such as offset drift, zero drift, random drift, etc.) to achieve very accurate angular velocity and heading angle data.

Full Factory Calibration

Each sensor is fully factory calibrated and aligned for precision, ready to use out of the box.

Simple Interface

Full support for the UART interface enable easy integration of Saber™ into any domestic robot navigation products.

Saber™ A Series Sensor Application

Accurate attitude (orientation) and altitude (height) data available for comprehensive mapping navigation system. Saber™ A2 sensor with integrated algorithm Boson™ engine can minimize accumulated drift errors down to less than 8° per hour.

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